Gil in Final Fantasy XIV
Gil is used for many different purposes by players in game. Gil can be earned through quests, guildleves, duty roulettes in the Duty Finder, dungeons and errands; treasure spheres; the Market Board or selling items.
Players are willing to spend for convenience, efficiency, and fun - here are several tried and true methods of earning Gil in Final Fantasy XIV.
At its core, Final Fantasy XIV's primary appeal lies in earning gil for housing, cosmetics and gearing classes as well as providing food and potions when raiding. Crafters have often made millions upon receiving new patches with just a few days on the Market Board or even just days post patch release!
At its core, making lots of FFXIV gil in a game means upgrading multiple crafting tradeskills in order to produce equipment - weaving, leatherworking and armor making are main contributors, while carpentry and goldsmith are ideal additions for right side pieces. Upgrading each of them increases your odds of obtaining high quality items that reduce production costs significantly.
Gathering is another excellent way to make gil. Slaying monsters and selling their loot to the market board for quick profit, or buying rumors in a tavern can also generate some extra gil quickly. Taking on errands also yields rewards in Gil.
Other methods include completing quests, guildleves, dungeons and duty roulettes. FFXIV gil is used to upgrade weapons, purchase mounts and player housing in final fantasy xiv gil buy; having enough allows you to explore more content and reach the endgame more quickly while making life more convenient through fast travel and Aetheryte-based teleports.
Materiel Crates
Gil is dropped from enemies after battle or can be obtained through treasure chests, and can be sold for items, equipment, Materia and even master Materia. Additionally it can be used at inns and transport services or used to buy the Gold Saucer.
Most enemies drop gil upon being defeated, and over time this amount increases gradually. Furthermore, treasure crates may yield valuable loot such as glass fibers worth 80k or grade V materia worth 10k or more if opened.
FFXIV features more subtle Gil sinks within its core gameplay compared to WoW; for instance, quests give out Gil rewards, FATE rewards a small sum and even Dungeon and Trial roulettes can award some cash.
OIC Quartermaster
Gil is the general currency in Final Fantasy XIV and plays an essential role in the game. Players can purchase weapons, equipment and houses with their gil, making the game more convenient by allowing them to port freely between worlds, purchase catchup gear when necessary and store resources for endgame content production.
FFXIV gil is earned through questing, guildleves, dungeons and Challenge Log entries, Market Board earnings or trading between players either through mail or the Market Board - though selling FFXIV Gil for real money would violate both EULA and ToS agreements of the company.
Player Housing & Gardens
Gil drains in Final Fantasy XIV can be expensive, and none more so than player housing. Unfortunately, housing remains an incomprehensible mess which won't likely be resolved until patch 6.1 of Endwalker when Firmament district opens up for business.
Players in Free Companies can purchase a private home for 500,000 gil. Additionally, they can share it with up to three other friends and set visitor rules so only certain visitors may access their property.
Gardens can produce significant profits when implemented correctly, yet this method requires both knowledge and patience to work successfully.