PUBG is a multiplayer online tactical competitive game. Players fight for survival in a large-scale open world. By collecting weapons, equipment, and tactical supplies, they compete with other players until they become the last survivors. The game is famous for its exciting rhythm and highly free gameplay. It has diverse map designs and realistic environments. It provides a wealth of tactical options and multiple game modes, making it a classic competitive game loved by players around the world. If you want to participate, come to mmowow accounts.

Game classic mode:
Single-player mode: Players participate in the battle alone and compete for the last survivor.
Two-player mode: Two players form a team to fight against other players.
Four-player team mode: Four players form a team to fight cooperatively and strive for victory.
There are also special modes: tactical competition mode, which limits the use of specific types of weapons or equipment to increase tactical depth; desert mode: the map environment and weather conditions are different from the normal mode, increasing the challenge; sniper war mode: focusing on sniper weapons Use, promote players' precision shooting skills and more.

In the game PUBG, running away from viruses is one of the key aspects of player survival. A successful virus escape strategy not only allows you to safely enter the safe zone but also reduces unnecessary casualties and resource consumption. Here are some practical PUBG anti-virus tips:

1. Plan the route in advance

1. Observe the location of the safe zone
Before the poison circle starts to shrink, pay close attention to the refresh position of the safe zone. If you are near the center of the safe zone, you can choose your follow-up actions relatively calmly; if you are far from the safe zone, you need to plan the drug route.
2. Consider terrain and bunkers
When choosing a drug-running route, you must fully consider the terrain factors. Give priority to routes with more bunkers (such as trees, rocks, houses, etc.) so that when encountering enemy attacks during the poisoning process, you can find cover in time to counterattack or avoid them. In addition, try to avoid crossing open areas, such as large plains or deserts, to avoid becoming a target for the enemy.
3. Use vehicles
Vehicles are an important tool for running away from viruses, which can greatly improve movement speed and safety. When planning a route, pay attention to the location of nearby vehicles, such as vehicles, boats, etc. If you can find a suitable vehicle the first time, running the virus will become much easier.

2. Seize the opportunity to escape the virus

1. Depart early
Before the poisonous circle begins to shrink, it is a safer strategy to start running away from the poison in advance. This can avoid concentrating on poisoning with other players at the same time and place when the poison circle shrinks, and reduce the risk of encountering enemies. At the same time, starting early will give you enough time to find suitable cover and observe the surrounding situation.
2. The initial stage of contraction of the poisonous circle
If you don’t leave early, it’s okay to leave as soon as possible during the early stages of contraction of the poison circle. At this time, the damage of the poison circle is not very high, and you can safely enter the safe zone while sustaining a certain amount of damage. However, you must be vigilant during the poisoning process and be ready to deal with possible enemies at any time.
3. Avoid wandering on the edge of the poisonous circle
Staying on the edge of the poison circle is very dangerous, as you can easily be sniped by enemies outside the circle, or trapped by the shrinking circle. Therefore, during the process of running away from the poison, try to cross the edge of the poison circle as quickly as possible and enter the safe zone.

3. Fighting and dodging during drug escaping

1. Stay vigilant
During the process of running away from the poison, you must always remain vigilant and observe what is going on around you. Pay attention to the sounds of footsteps, gunshots, and vehicles to discover the enemy's location in time. If you find an enemy, you should decide whether to fight or avoid based on the actual situation.
2. Choose the time to fight
If you have enough weapons and equipment and are confident in your marksmanship, you can choose to fight the enemy during the poisoning process. However, be careful to choose the right fighting location and timing, and avoid confrontation with the enemy in open areas. You can use bunkers and terrain advantages to ambush or surprise enemies.
3. Avoid enemies
If you have poor equipment or a large number of enemies, hiding from them is a better option. You can use smoke bombs, bunkers, and terrain to quickly hide your body and avoid being discovered by the enemy. While avoiding enemies, continue towards the safe zone.

4. Resource Management

1. Drug preparation
In the process of drug escape, drugs are very important resources. Before running away, make sure you bring enough medicine, such as a first aid kit, painkillers, and energy drinks. In this way, when being damaged by the poison circle, the health value can be restored in time.
2. Weapons and Ammunition
Reasonable distribution of weapons and ammunition is also an important part of drug evasion. If your backpack space is limited, you can discard some unnecessary weapons and ammunition to carry more medicine and other survival necessities. At the same time, make sure that your main weapon has enough ammunition to deal with possible battles.

5. Teamwork

1. Division of labor and cooperation
If you are playing in team mode, the division of labor between team members is very important. You can arrange for one team member to be responsible for finding the vehicle, one team member to observe the surrounding situation, and the other team members to protect and assist.
2. Mutual support
During the process of running drugs, team members must support each other. If a team member is injured, other team members must provide timely rescue and treatment. At the same time, when encountering enemy attacks, team members must fight together, cooperate, and give full play to the team's advantage.

In PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, choosing a suitable drug route requires considering the following factors:

- Location of the safe zone: Observe the location and contraction direction of the safe zone, and try to choose a route close to the center of the safe zone to reduce the distance and time for drug escape.
- Terrain and bunkers: Prioritize routes with bunkers and high ground to avoid enemy attacks and observation during the poisoning process.
- Vehicle refresh points: Understand the refresh points of vehicles on the map, and try to find a vehicle before the virus escapes to improve movement speed and safety.
- Enemy distribution: Pay attention to the distribution of enemies around you and avoid taking routes that pass through enemy-dense areas.
- Poison circle shrinkage time: According to the poison circle's shrinkage time and speed, reasonably arrange the time and rhythm of poison running to avoid being caught up by the poison circle.

The following are some practical recommendations for drug escape routes:

- Go straight: If the safe zone is close and there are not many obstacles, you can choose the route of going straight. But pay attention to your surroundings and be prepared to deal with possible enemies at any time.
- Around the edge of the circle: Moving along the edge of the poisonous circle can reduce the probability of encounters with other players. At the same time, pay attention to using terrain and bunkers for cover.
- Use vehicles: After finding the vehicle, you can choose to move along the road or other open areas to quickly cross the poisonous circle. But be careful to avoid being exposed to the vehicle for too long, lest you become a target for the enemy.
- Follow your teammates: If you are fighting in a team, you can follow your teammates to run away poison and cover and support each other. But pay attention to maintaining the integrity of the team and avoiding dispersion.
- Flexibility: Flexibly adjust the drug running route according to the actual situation. If you find danger or a better option on the original route, you can change the direction in time.

Want to know more, cheap pubg mobile uc can help you.
In PUBG Mobile, UC is an in-game currency. Purchasing UC can be used to obtain the following main services and items:
Purchase skins and clothing: Use UC to purchase various exquisite weapon skins, clothing, helmets, and bags in the game to personalize the appearance of your character.
Unlock the battle pass and level up: By purchasing the battle pass through UC, players can get additional missions, rewards, and props to help increase their in-game level and experience.
Purchase limited-time offers and gift packs: PUBG Mobile often launches various limited-time offers and special gift packs. You can use UC to purchase these gift packs and obtain rare items and props.
Participation in carousels and lottery activities: Carousels and lottery activities in the game usually require the use of UC as a condition of participation, and there is a chance to obtain rare weapons, props, or skins.
By purchasing UC, players can enhance in-game personalization and competitive advantage, deepen the gaming experience, and support the continuous updating and development of the game.

In short, drug running is a very important part of the PUBG game. Players need to consider various factors and formulate reasonable strategies and plans. Through continuous practice and practice, your drug evasion skills will continue to improve, allowing you to achieve better results in the game.